Sriom Adi Sakthi Ashram Trust serves for those who are serving us

swamiji and police

4th April 2020

Serving food to the needy has always been one of our core values at our Ashram and an important rule from the 18 rules set out by our Guru – HH Sriom Adisakthiyendra Swamigal, who we know as Devima. As the spread of Coronovirus intensifies, and there are dramatic changes to our social landscape, the need for support increases exponentially.

This is why our Devima, with the volunteers of our Sriom Adi Sakthi Ashram Trust, has been working courageously by cooking, packing and serving fresh meals to the police departments who are taking care of our citizens. A total of 100 packed meals, cooked right at home in Sriom Adi Sakthi Ashram, has been delivered today to the police departments in and around Avalur Village, Tamil Nadu.

Several more food distributions by our Ashram is expected in and around Tamil Nadu this week, to the various people who are helping our nation. As our Devima always says, “Good thoughts produce good food. Divine thoughts produce divine food”. There is no question about the divinity in the source of this meal.